Alphonse Mucha Czech, 1860-1939

Alphonse Mucha worked mainly as a poster artist and became an influential figure of Art Nouveau in late 1890s, when poster illustrations were emerging as popular art form and new printing processes were developed.


He designed and published postcards, theatre and advertisement posters, numerous illustrations and decorative panels series, set around central themes inspired by nature, some printed on silk. He produced an astonishing amount of drawings, pastel or watercolor studies and designs for interior decorations, cutlery and dinner object, jewelry and fashion.


His graphic works are based on a strong centered composition and symbolic themes, featuring idealized young female figures in sensuous or provocative poses, entwined in vaporous hair and light dresses enriched by decorative ornaments inspired by nature, such as willowy foliage, flowers and extravagantly beautiful jewels. The figures are detailed by expressive darker lines and enriched by natural soft colors and gold; functional and decorative friezes usually frame the illustrations and the background space is filled by floral or abstract patterns.


Mucha considered Le Pater to be his printed masterpiece, a work he had put “his soul into”. Printed on 20 December 1899, Le Pater was Mucha’s occult examination of the themes of The Lord’s Prayer. Only 510 copies were produced.